
Wednesday 18 June 2014

Step Six: Forest and Rivers

So now we are ready to work on the forest plan.  For this I am looking at using cushion foam from old chair covers.  I cut the same that I want and then using a pair of tweezers to pluck pock marks in the top of the foam.  Make sure that the base that will lay on the table is the flat smooth side of the foam, let the top be the rough and untrimmed side as it will help keep it looking more natural.

I then 50%/50% some brown acrylic craft paint ($7.50 from Spotlight) with water in a jar.  Cramming the foam into the jar and then shake.  Take out the foam and hand wring the paint back into the jar then set the foam aside to dry.

Now that its dried a light brownish colour its ready for flocking.  I use some of the contact adhesive spray to coat the top of the foam.  Placing the glue coated foam on a clean sheet of news paper so I can recover the flock not glued, I shake green flock over the foam.  Given a few minutes I shake the excess flock off the foam and then respray adhesive again sealing the flock on the foam.

While not fantastic its something.  I am not a fan of the tacky nature the trees have and that they fail to turn hard or stay soft enough to hold their form.  For now it will suffice, but I am working on other ways to do it better.

Lastly I give the river a nice bright blue paint, now I planned on using an clear resin and not using blue for the river but with a whole lot of earthy tones I opted to try and give it a bit of *Pop*.

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